Wednesday, November 11, 2009


The URBAN HOPE Project is non-profit charitable youth organization registered as an NGO under the
NGOs act of Kenya. The main purpose of the organization is to develop socioeconomic empowerment
through education and spiritual development through mentorship.
We therefore run programmes, carry out events, and provide solutions to youth issues in the most fun
and appropriate ways while at the same time instilling the correct values for societal transformation.

The mission of The Urban Hope Project is to provide vulnerable residents of Kenya, with comprehensive
services, including food, housing, clothing, medical care, education and legal and social services, in an
atmosphere of dignity and respect.

The vision of The Urban Hope Project is to nurture and impact young people for responsible leadership
for societal transformation into excellence.

The objective of The Urban Hope Project is to work in partnership with the like-minded in the community
and the society at large to enable both personal and communal development of young people in
working towards transforming the society.
We aim to encourage and support young people to:
1. Participate in community development
2. To acquire proper education leading to employment and independence
3. Build and maintain positive relationships with the community and society
4. Have a strong sense of well-being and self-esteem
5. Have a better understanding of their culture-social values and beliefs
6. Develop a variety of life-skills
7. Make informed choices related to their well being and health
8. Be in safe places away from streets and crime activities
9. Have the skills to acquire and access support services e.g. employment, financial advice etc.

1. Hope 2. Faith 3. Love 4. Justice 5. Humility 6. Truth 7. Mercy 8. Excellence

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

In the Run; Still Pressing On

We’re aiming, though often failing, ‘to become all things to all men so that by all possible means we might save some’. Join with us in this worthy cause of exploring and implementing how the Church and community might become truly authentic in mission: Contextual yet Biblical: Passionate, but also Compassionate: In Word, as well as in Deed. The Spirit of Jesus within is calling each of his followers to reach out and fulfil the Missio Dei in a world of pain and need.

God Bless.

Bantu Moses
Founder & Director